so you see him in the halls and get butterflies right? well im telling you he probably has no clue he has this effect on you. the only way i can think of you getting what you want is telling him. telling him everything. the way he makes you feel. i know its scary but lifes scary and in the end it will be worth it. because A) you either find out what a douche he really is or B) you will find that your friendship wont be hurt because he cares enough about you to not make it awkward or C) youll find out he feels the same. i know all of these choices sounds terrifying but believe me its better then sitting there weeks months and maybe even years wondering "what if" because "what if" is never worth it. so take control over your own life girls (guys too) because why let destiny define everything in your life somethings you should own and be glad you did.

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