so i havent posted in awhile on here and i dont really know a good post. All i can think of to say is how in the past year many things have changed. the people in my life, the people im close with, the people i tell everything to, my family, and even myself. i think what has changed the most is the people i now surround myself with, the people who know everything about me, the people i would be there for no matter what. i remember last year thinking these people mean more to me then i could ever imagine and yes some of those people are still in my life and i still feel the same about them but then there are the new people in my life who could just look at me and make my stressful life go away. i will always have a special place in my heart for each of my friends but now some of those places have gotten smaller while others have grown quite a bit and i realize that no matter how much you try things and people will change. i dont regret changing and getting older it happens and i dont wish anyone to stay the same i just realize that people grow apart when they grow up and you cant stop them. so this is to every best friend, friend, family member, and loved one in my life. i love you and who you are and i know if i mean anything to you you dont care that ive grown up too. your all amazing in each of your unique ways and i will be there for you forever.
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